miercuri, 27 octombrie 2010

"Smile with your liver"

     After going through a terrible loss,a health problem and other couple of misfortunate happenings,here I am,again,after a couple of months,having a so called moment of revelation and posting again,which I've never thought its gonna happen to soon.
  Well,you know,there's always someone or something that at one point,when you're at crossroads or u're just having a hard time dealing with things,shows up and helps you cross the bridge,see everything in a different shade,from a differnt angle,after all "ruins are the road to transformation".
  For me,there was,family,friends and this one,good book and movie in the same time.Yeah well,we all need a refresh sometimes,a little recharge and fuel,so I got it from here.I didn't expect it to be that profound,so inspirational and have such an impact on me,but it did and I'm thankful for that.It was that breathe of fresh air I needed.
   Neither out of the ordinary,nor new.Just the right amount of inspiration and awakening,meditation and inner peace,sprinkled with wisdom and enlightenment.
   We all do experience,at least once in our lives(the luckier ones),moments of depression,lonelyness,lack of power or control.We al loose faith at sometimes and balance,we're looking for God or looking for our religion.
   Sometimes,what we really need is,to "check out" and get in touch with ourselves,learn to let go our egos and enter the silence of the heart,learn listen to it,"look in the mirror and recognize a friend",think about what we really want and go for it and "when you sense a faint potentiality of happiness after such dark times,you must grab onto the ankles of  that happiness and not let go until it drags you face-first out of the dirt...this is not selfishness but obligation" my dear friends!
    So risk everything,cuz "...great love and great achievement involve great risk" Dalai Lama
         Until next time,

                                                                         & Love  ;-)

duminică, 29 august 2010

My dear Diary,:-))))

  Daca tot am atins aceasta performanta contemporana,de a-mi face un blog,bag de seama ca,ar fi logic sa si scriu ceva,sa postez mai bine zis ceva pe dansul.
  Atingerea performantei,se datoreaza exclusiv unei amice foarte dragi sufletului meu,care pe parcursul unei perioade scurte de timp,a reusit sa ma faca,sa ma amuz copios,citindu-i, citez,"ineptiile" :-)))!!!! Apoi a aprut luminita,I need a blog!
  Te enerveaza ceva,scrii pe blog,ti s-a intamplat un lucru extraordinar,scrii pe blog,ai vreo dorinta ascunsa,vreo frustrare,s.a.m.d.,comunici evident bloggului,ai avut parte de o chestie super funny,de ce sa fii egoist si sa nu impartasesti si altora acest lucru,postezi pe blog! :-)
  In adolescenta,daca va aduceti aminte era prietenul si confidentul nostru,jurnalul,adica "My Diary",asa cum facusem, eu cel putin, cunostinta cu el,prin intermediul mirificului serial de televiziune "Twin Peaks"(poate va mai aduceti aminte de acel pitic mega creepy care dansa intr-in fel super freaky!?!Eu nu am sa-l uit cu siguranta,plus ca,aveam si o colega de scoala care stia sa-l imite,intr-un mare fel.) Acum exista blogul,asa ca in loc de a incepe o poveste cu "My dear Diary",putem incepe cu formula, "My dear Blog",cu conditia sa postam cat mai multe povestioare amuzante,de ce nu,ale noastre,repet citatul,"ineptii" pentru ca, dupa cate imi dau seama,asta am facut si eu,prin prima mea postare,but,last time I checked,this was a free country,soo...
...Deci si prin urmare,sper ca nu va fi prima si ultima postare! :-D
